Conveniently located to serve NYC, surrounding boroughs and NJ
Laser therapy is now widely considered the primary treatment for telangiectasia (visible blood vessels) and rhinophyma (enlarged nose). It is very effective for reducing diffuse and extensive redness as well as rough texture. Laser treatment is more elegant, refined and less painful than previous treatment options for these conditions.
Generally, Dr. Sabry suggests at least three Laser Genesis or IPL treatments at six-week intervals, depending on the severity of redness and telangiectasia. In some cases Dr. Sabry will ask his rosacea patient to use medications during treatment intervals to manage the papules (bumps) and pustules (pimples) that often go along with rosacea. Good follow up home care is essential to maintain remission of the condition.
You may be scheduled for Laser Genesis, IPL, Chemical peel or HydraFacial MD. Your skin will be cleansed with a basic cleanser to remove any make up, sunscreen, and topical products. After cleansing, if you are getting IPL or Laser Genesis, your eyes are covered with protective eye wear and the treatment areas will be covered with a cooling gel. Chemical peels and HydraFacial MD do not require protective eyewear. The treatment you receive will be calibrated for maximum efficacy with little to no discomfort.
Your Rosacea will be performed by M. Zakir Sabry MD’s surgery center located in NYC.