If you’re interested in learning more about varicose veins, contact Murray Hill Plastic Surgery & Vein Center today! Our skilled team will help develop a customized treatment to address your specific cosmetic concerns.
Conveniently located to serve NYC, surrounding boroughs and NJ
Varicose veins are twisted, swollen veins that are visible underneath the skin. These typically form in the legs, but may also occur in other areas of the body. For example, hemorrhoids are a type of varicose veins.
A vein is a one-way valve that prompts the blood to flow towards the heart. If these valves are damaged or weak, the blood gets clogged and pools in the veins. This leads to swelling and a diagnosis of varicose veins.
This condition frequently occurs in older females who have a familial history of this condition. Females who don’t exercise often or are overweight are likely to develop varicose veins more easily. Dr. Sabry can help you address your specific issue.
There are several varicose vein treatment options available. These are:
In case you don’t respond to the first two treatment options, we may recommend the following.
During your Varicose Vein Treatment consultation with Dr. M. Zakir Sabry, he will answer questions you may have about the procedure and will discuss any safety concerns related to the surgery.
If you’re interested in learning more about varicose veins, contact Murray Hill Plastic Surgery & Vein Center today! Our skilled team will help develop a customized treatment to address your specific cosmetic concerns.